Skills Expertise

Project Management
Database Development
UX Design
Website Optimization
User Training

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With over 10 years of experience, I am excited to be using all of my skills to create beautifully crafted and fully customized website solutions. As a web designer, pilot and soldier, I have established a strong foundation of knowledge, capabilities and experiences that lead to a unique perspective for problem-solving.Pilot

While attending Sacred Heart University, I had exposure working for the Information Technology departments at multiple large corporations, a small pharmaceutical company and a few other small start-up businesses.

SoldierAfter graduating Sacred Heart’s undergraduate program with a degree in Computer Science, that focused on Programming and Web Development, I started my career as a Web Developer at IHS Markit. The role I stepped into, helped me learn how to be a jack of all trades. From back-end database design to designing and coding pages for their website, I was learning everything anyone would teach me. I also continued my education for a Master’s in Computer Software with a deeper focus on Database Design and Application Development at Sacred Heart.

From there, I enlisted in the New York Army National Guard as a helicopter repairer, and within two years, became a Warrant Officer so that I could head to flight school to learn how to fly them. I am still proud to participate as traditional active guardsman.

Immediately after returning from flight school, while working back at my full-time web programming position, I decided to start my own website design business, and see where it led me.


Currently I am the owner and chief designer of Pristine Web Designs, ‘where websites take flight’. (The pilot in me loves that!) Add that to a lot of free lance jobs over the last few years, I’ve picked up a handful of tricks about the trade and know my way around the software and website worlds. As a web developer, I spend my days staring at the computer-making magic happen and enjoying every minute of it.


A special thanks to the photographers that have contributed to this site: Annemarie Bain and Zack Lane.